191 results found
Excel reports
Please have the Assessment reports generate the same information as the BIRP notes when exporting reports to Excel.
1 vote -
add information to multiple files at the same time
Is there a way to add information to multiple files at the same time (contact logs for family members, demographics for siblings, etc)?
1 vote -
staff services
I would like to be able to search staff services like I can client services instead of having to go through the entire list to determine if one service is not check.
1 vote -
We would like to be able to merge/transfer a clinician's entire schedule to another clinician when necessary. We recently had an NP change and had to input the entire schedule in Sharenote over again because we couldn't transfer the old NP's schedule to the new NP.
1 vote -
Add Parent/Guardian information to initial screen when inputting a new client.
Add Parent/Guardian information to initial screen when inputting a new client.
1 vote -
There should be a drafts feature so we don't lose all our work if something happens and we cant finish at that time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so frustrating to have to go through as much as we have to to even enter and submit a note, but if something should happen such as the power going out, or computer issues, we lose EVERYTHING and have to start all over!!! I AM NOT HAPPY!!!!!!
10 votes -
Trauma Assessment
Please add a trauma assessment to the current assessments available
4 votes -
Would you please create an all claims report which includes all claims submitted regardless of status. Currently we only have a Claim Denial report. It would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL to have a report that includes paid, denied, assigned, ebill sent, all in one report that we could filter in excel. Additionally please add a field that includes the rendering provider. The current Claim Denial report is not as effective currently because it doesn't link the claims to the provider and that is very important. Instead of just improving the Denial report, creating a report that include all claims helps us…
3 votes -
DSM-5 enhancement
This is a request for a DSM-5 enhancement , which is a description of the diagnosis to input in the assessments and treatment plans.
7 votes -
Monthly Assessment Report
I am an Office Manager and we are in need of running a report that would generate a table of assessments that would be expiring for each month. In the table, we suggest that the report has the expiration date of each of the client's assessments for each month that's needed.
15 votes -
Add an option to print calendar with client name and phone number and their appointment
I'd like a report to print the client calendar each day w/ client name and phone number and who appointment is with
3 votes -
billing codes
Color code billing services codes so they are easier to differentiate, especially between the in person and audio/telehealth service codes since you do not know which is which unless you open and read to the end of the entire service code.
1 vote -
Transaction report needed that can list all notes and assessment on one report. looking at the transaction report you have to click on each transaction ID. I need one full report until we can get a good AR report.
3 votes -
Putt phone number underneath client name
add phone number under client Profile name so its viewable and no scrolling
2 votes -
Please add telephone numbers to the daily appointment list.
Please add the telephone numbers to the daily appointment list. I have to see who is on my schedule then go to another page to find the phone number for that person. This would really help
1 vote -
Managing appointments
Is there a way to keep records of the clients that made appoiintments versus the clients who kept the appointments?
2 votes -
I would like to be able to select a date range in Aging Report.
2 votes -
Sort Reminders on Dashboard
Would like the ability to arrange the My Reminders/Task section on the dashboard by date and also have the ability to put a time. I know that I can go into the task manager but it would be great to see what's next right at the dashboard. Thank You.
2 votes -
Attesting to Treatment Plan
Through past audits it has been asked to show documentation of proof that the client received a copy of the treatment plan other than just a signature. Is there any way an attestation statement stating what the signatures are agreeing to and/or check boxes including a statement that the client/guardian participated in the development of the Treatment Plan and that the client has received a copy of the treatment plan be added to the treatment plan signature page.
8 votes -
Potential Clients
Sharenote should look into adding a call center/referral center where the company can track calls, appointments, referral information and no show's for potential clients. Then if the client shows up for the appointments, they can be easily converted and the remaining demographic information can be entered. We are currently keeping this information for my company on a separate spreadsheet, however if we are able to track the calls and contact through Sharenote without having to make them a client, it would streamline our process.
3 votes
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