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191 results found

  1. Assessment Treatment Plan Electronic Signatures and Goals

    The Assessment Treatment Plans needs to be able to capture electronic signatures and port over the goals, interventions, and objectives, etc. into the Goals section in the client profile. If the goals are not ported over to the goals in the client's profile, staff are required to enter goals twice - once in the Assessment Treatment Plans and another in the Goals section of the client's profile.

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  2. Batch sign assessments

    Can you add a option to batch sign an assessment document like you can with BIRP notes?

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  4. Save Assessment Progress Automatically

    I would like for Sharenote to add a feature where assessments automatically save while typing so information is not lost and you do not have to press the "save progress" button repeatedly during an evaluation.

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  5. DSM-5 enhancement

    This is a request for a DSM-5 enhancement , which is a description of the diagnosis to input in the assessments and treatment plans.

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  6. calendar to add next appointment from Intake Assessment

    At the end of the Intake Assessment, we have the ability to add the next appointment, but it does not add it to the ShareNote calendar. We have to manually add it ourselves. Is there a way to make this automatically go to the ShareNote calendar the same way it does with a BIRP note indicating the next appointment?

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    Please add the option of a split time note-- a second set of Start Time and End Time options --

    If completing one note for a two hour group== 9 to 11, and the client has to leave the group to see the Nurse for 30 minutes (10-10:30) and returns. Right now, we have to complete two group notes-- 9 to 10 and then 10:30 to 11 to accurately account for when the client participated in the group, minus the time spent with the Nurse.

    Currently, the system does not allow the creation of one note to account for the…

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  8. Create reports for individual clients.

    Create reports for individual clients. Specifically to track authorizations for a client who are in more than one location.

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  9. Location Supervisor Access-Level Role enhanced to allow note creation for clients no in caseload

    This request is to enhance the access-level for a Location Supervisor to be allowed to create a BIRP note without being required to be assigned to the case. Supervisor must write notes for clients that are not their assigned clients when reviewing/approving documentation (e.g. Assessments, Treatment Plans, etc.) This also includes the calendar.

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  10. Payment Posting Feature for BIRP & Assessments

    Can you please add the billing/payroll action that allows amount paid, date paid, and comment all in one quick step? Can you add an option in Assessments to add any payment info? i.e., date paid, amount paid. It has the drop down to choose it but no where to enter the information. PS is it possible to be able to do the activity and the billing payroll all at the same time to make posting quicker?

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  11. We would like to see additional questionnaires to be added to support the assessments

    These are some of the additional questionnaires to support the clinician during an assessment PTSD, Emotional Support Animals, ADHD adults, Safety Plan, ASI for substance abuse, Disassociation Experience Scale, and Suicide Risk would allow each agency to meet the MCO requirements.

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  12. Tracked Changes

    "Tracked changes" should not be prompted for a supervising provider when editing an unlocked note of a supervisee. Supervisors are ethically and legally responsible for the content of supervisee's notes and editing them is a matter of practice. Changes are often made to improve the quality of the documentation. Once note is locked, supervisee reviews final note before signing for accuracy. As a supervisor, being prompted to explain why you are editing a supervisee's note is inappropriate. Please create a "Preference" option for supervisors to de-activate "Tracked Changes" for unlocked notes. Once a note is locked and signed, it is…

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  13. SMART Goals

    Please add SMART Goals to tx plan.

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  14. Qualitative Service Review

    kindly consider adding the following fields to the Qualitative Service Review form. The items listed below are required by CARF for Quality Record Management.

    1)Date of Admission

    2)Information about the individual's personal representative payee, if any of these have been appointed, including the name, address, and telephone number

    3)Emergency Contact information including name, address, and telephone number

    4)The person coordinating the services of the person served

    5) The location of any other records

    6) PCP information

    7) Healthcare reimbursement information.


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  15. Client list with address and phone information report

    I have not been able to find this so I assume we do not have it on Sharenote. Instead of having to go to each client's file and write down their address, it would be great to be able to go into the client manager and be able to see our caseload (just the client's names) and then be able to run a report that allows a checkbox for address, phone number, etc.

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  16. Client Ledger/Creating accurate client bill.

    The billing information generated from the note appears on the Client Ledger, as well as the insurance allowable amt. and insurance payment from the EOB. With the ability to print a bill for the client.

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  17. Service Codes updated/changed

    When Service Codes are updated/changed, the codes are updated for the clients with the identified insurance are automatically updated.

    Example: GT Codes added for Medicaid Services are automatically updated in the client's chart.

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  18. Viewing Tx Plan "complete and signed stauts" of clients without opening the document (as in Ax views)

    Is there a way to view all goals so it makes it possible to know tx plans that are signed or unsigned without having to open the document. We are able to view which Ax is marked complete and signed. Can this be done with the Tx plan/Goal screen for all clts ? Thank you !

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  19. Tracking caseload for specific staff under report manager.

    Tracking caseload for specific staff under report manager. Add Last day of service for each client.

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  20. Calendar

    The client audit log doesn't track activity on the calendar. We need to identify to created, modified, or deleted an appointment.

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