Please add the option of a split time note-- a second set of Start Time and End Time options --
If completing one note for a two hour group== 9 to 11, and the client has to leave the group to see the Nurse for 30 minutes (10-10:30) and returns. Right now, we have to complete two group notes-- 9 to 10 and then 10:30 to 11 to accurately account for when the client participated in the group, minus the time spent with the Nurse.
Currently, the system does not allow the creation of one note to account for the non-billable time (client left for 30 minutes and returned).
However, allowing a second Start Time and End Time would capture the accurate time the client was in the group and automatically calculate the correct number of units in one single note-- rather than having to complete a second note for the same group session.
We currently do this now (manually) with psychological reports; there is a Testing Time (start time, end time) and ALSO a Writing Time (start time, end time) indicated on the psychological, each with a number of units based upon the time-- the total time being what was billed for that code, and the auditors indicated this is completely acceptable.
Adding a split time option in a BIRP note is the exact same thing.