treatment plan
Please have Sharenote auto populate entered information across documents/tabs. There is a lot of duplicate work. Treatment plan goals are entered twice 1) in the Master treatment plan assessment doc and 2) in the client goals tab which populates to the progress note. It would be more efficient if the Master Treatment plan assessment document goals and objectives could populate directly to the client goals and progress note eliminating duplicate work for clinicians.
The client diagnosis is the same way. A clinician has to enter the diagnostic assessment document located under the assessment tab and then again under the diagnosis/problems tab (which populates to the progress note). It would be nice if duplicate work was eliminated from sharenote and the assessment document populated the diagnosis to the diagnosis/problems tab and progress note directly instead of clinicians having to do double work.
The double and triple work of sharenote makes it very frustrating for clinicians as it is not an easy work flow process.